Internet poker site
It is the latest craze at the moment and everyone seems to be enjoying gambling at home with the increase of poker sites on the internet. Its not good news if you are running up debts on your credit card. I don�t know about you but it seems that I have a misconceived perception of time when I am sitting at my computer. The longer you are gambling on an internet poker site. The more money you are spending.
Online gambling is being seen as pushing up consumer debts and that�s not good for the UK economy. Figures from the government have revealed that the amount of money spent on gambling last year was �42.8 million. In 2001 that figure was only �8.6 million. It is a perturbing sharp increase. Internet sites that have been registered outside the UK have not been included in the government figures of money spent.
The glamorization of gambling. By celebrities at the moment is partly to blame for the rise in gambling. Once your details have been entered you can continue gambling up to your credit limit. Some gamblers are maxing out numerous credit cards at a time to try and win back money they have lost with the Debt Advisor group seeing some individual debts as high as �100. Casinos have a strong cash culture unlike internet gambling where it is your credit card that does the spending.