Toronto night life

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

What Life Is

It have got been said: since there is no true status described by non-existence then the existence can only have always existed. The physical existence is described by the word – reality: The non-physical universe is described by the word – imaginary. The cardinal substance of which the existence dwells is described as being matter and its energy: there is no grounds that these are substantially different. Since the existence have always existed the substance and energy of the existence have likewise always existed. This fact demands that the naturally occurring human relationships existing within and between substance and its energy have got likewise always existed. The human relationships existing naturally within and between existent physical things are referred to as being the naturally occurring physical phenomenon of reality. Philosophically these human relationships are studied by the scientific discipline of metaphysics.

Real things can associate with one another lone in ways allowed by their identities. Some of these human relationships have got been discovered and others stay yet to be discovered. (1) Some of these human relationships don't result in change. (2) Some human relationships are of an electro-chemical nature and (3) some of these are self-sustaining (that is they pull the energy resources from the existence necessary for their electro-chemical relationships to continue). And then (4) some of these human relationships reserve the by-products produced by its electro-chemical reactions where upon it turns and expands. The first is inert nature; the 2nd includes all chemical reactions; the 3rd includes the electro-magnetic gravitative subsystem that is necessary to place these electro-chemical reactions as the “processes of life” and the last defines what a living-organism is.

The self-sustaining self-generated electro-chemical human relationships cognize of as being the processes-of-life are a naturally occurring facet of the existence and therefore; like the universe, have got also always existed. Life depicts a specific sort of naturally occurring eternally existing electro-chemical energy procedure taking place within the existence between the cardinal physical substance of the existence cognize of as: matter (and its energy). This is often referred to as the life-processes that are naturally occurring within all biological organisms. Life is innate action and this obliges its earthly host to ordain specific Acts of self-preservation inch its life’s benefit. But within the existence the procedures of life may be described by further factors.

A. Life depicts a self-sustaining energy process. Life pulls the energy resources from nature necessary for the continued operation of its ain electro-chemical processes.

B. Life depicts an energy ingestion process. Life consumes the energy resources it have attracted from nature.

C. Life depicts a substance transition process. Life converts the stuff energy resources it have consumed from nature into new matters which are then released back into nature.

D. Life depicts a self-generation process. Life grows, spreads out and replicates itself by causing its host to execute specific Acts of self-preservation and reincarnation

Humans have got physical and intellectual constituents that must be in harmoniousness and operation “normally” if they are going to go on to survive. Like works world sense reality. Unlike works world must do judgements about what they are sensing. These judgements must be accurate; they must match with what world is if man’s end is endurance – and it is. When a human volitionally uses his head to the undertaking of interrogating world by applying reasoned logic to it he will detect two fundamentally different things about what the nature of world is: 1) things dwell and 2) things don't live.

Things that dwell possess an further distinctive feature which things that don't unrecorded lack. World hold as a fact of nature that this feature is the cardinal distinctive feature of the physical universe. World comprehend since they are identified as a living-organism they then possess this further distinctive characteristic. This further distinctive feature is of such as significance to both the fact of their life being and the demands of their continued being that it have been assigned the word life in-order to garner more than information about it.

Since life makes be as the first ascertained difference of the physical universe: And since all things of the existence are explained by whatever substance the existence actually dwells of: And since; at the cardinal level, the substance of the existence is explained by whatever matter its energy and their electro-chemical relationships are: Then matter its energy and their electro-chemical relationships (at some specific point) explicate what life is.

Humans must accomplish the values their life procedures necessitate or these volition discontinue operation and its human host will die. This necessitates that world believe about what value is in-order to detect what their life procedures necessitate for their continued ageless survival. Metaphysically: Life is the cardinal distinctive feature in the existent universe. Epistemologically: Value is its intellectual incarnation. Value is the mental integrating of what life’s being intends to a living-things continued existence. Life is metaphysical fact; Value is its epistemological fact. The fact that life bes physically makes the fact that value bes intellectually. Life and value are as one.

Value is a dependent concept. Value is identifiable lone by the fact that life exists. Value is dependent on life for its proper identification. Life is an end in itself; life depicts what life is and requires. Life necessitates itself in-order to go on existing. The demands of life are the values necessary for its continued existence. Here since the first demand of life is its ain continued existence; then, its-self is its supreme-value. Contrarily: If life is not the supreme in values this agency that it makes not function 1s intent to move for the continued being of 1s ain life. This beingness the lawsuit the life procedures going on within oneself will neglect and one will die.

Life necessitates that the electro-chemical processes it depicts go on functioning. In the existence these are naturally occurring process; they will go on to happen as long as there is substance (and its energy). However within a living-being its life procedures have got go “dependent” energy processes. The procedures described by life going on within living-beings are dependent on that being’s “proper actions.” And these are determined by the energy resources necessary to maintain that being’s life procedures functioning. This is the rule of causality - The end finds the actions necessary for its achievement. The personal identity of the histrion finds what moves he is able to perform. If an actor’s personal identity makes not enable him to execute the actions required for the accomplishment of a peculiar goal; that end will stay unachieved by that actor.

Helping other lives to accomplish their end of continued endurance is not a necessity in-order for 1s ain life to accomplish that same goal. The primary end of life’s electro-chemical procedures is not the endurance of other life processes; it is the endurance of its ain life processes. This is not to state that cooperating with another to common benefit is wrong. As a substance of fact mutually good Acts are good and proper human Acts and ought to be undertaken; but only when a common benefit actually makes exist.

Life is an absolute. This agency that life is not; it cannot be considered to be, what it is not. Life can only be what it is. Aristotle set it this way: A=A. Meaning that life is (can only be) true to what its personal identity is: in-fact. This defines what a true thing is. When we state a thing is true we are saying that it is always what it is in relation to what physical world is; it is a fact of reality. Statements about what is true about world are called truths; or true statements about what is real; i.e., about what is factual. These are often referred to as factual statements.

Since life is absolute; purpose, meaning and value (when properly defined) are absolutely true. Since life is defined as a naturally occurring and eternally existing phenomenon of the physical universe; this states that it is not proper to re-define life as being or having purpose, meaning or value. It is only proper to state that these be by the result of the fact that life makes exist. Since your life exists: purpose, meaning and value result from that fact. You’re life’s being validates that purpose, meaning and value make exist. All that reminds is to "properly" define these words.

I distinguish a “living” chemical-organism from a living-being side the word biological. In each lawsuit the life procedures occurring within each stay the same. Life is a naturally occurring eternally existing electro-chemical aspect of the physical universe. In the lawsuit of a chemical-organism the procedures of life occurring within it are not dependent on the physical features of that “living” chemical-organism. However in the lawsuit of a living-being the life procedures occurring within it are dependent upon the physical features of its host.

Again: The agency of endurance for the life of chemical-organisms is not dependent on the physical features of the organism. The procedures of life occurring within chemical-organisms directly pull the energy resources from nature required for the continued operation its electro-chemical processes. It is needed that chemical-organisms possess some type of electro-gravitational system to pull the required natural resources for the continued operation of its life processes. These energy resources are converted by its life procedures into the construction (the body) of the chemical-organism within which they are functioning and upon which the being turns and expands. The primary illustration of a “living” chemical-organism is our ain sun.

Biological-organisms are animal in their nature. The agency for the continued endurance of the life procedures of biological-beings is dependent on the physical features of the biological-organism. The life of a biological-being depends on the "proper" or "moral" actions (the virtuous acts) of the being for the energy resources required by and for its electro-chemical processes. It is said that a biological-being must seek and get the energy resources from nature its life’s electro-chemical energy procedures necessitate in-order to go on functioning. The electro-magnetic gravitative system possessed by chemical-organisms have evolved into the “energy-resource sensing system” which biological-beings must possess and to which they must react in-order to supply their life’s energy procedures with the natural resources it necessitates from nature to go on functioning

You’re biological-being evolved from the naturally occurring eternally existing electro-chemical relationships of substance and its energy in the being which holds the definition of what a “living” chemical-organism is. Inch the existence life's continued existence is an absolute; it will always go on to exist. However; within your organic structure life’s being is dependent upon you (its biological host) to move properly with regard to its demands of survival. Meaning you must “act properly” in-order to supply your life’s energy procedures with the values necessary for their continued functioning. This fact of endurance for the life which biological-beings possess places what “proper” human action is. Meaning: It is proper for a human beingness to move to the benefit of the continued operation of his ain life processes. One either lives in conformity to what their life’s energy procedures necessitate or they will halt operation and that one will die.

Living biological-organisms evolved directly from life chemical-organisms which evolved directly from the procedures of life occurring within the cardinal substance of the existence defined by matter (and its energy). Notice: The natural resources required for the continued operation of life’s electro-chemical processes stays unchanged wherever it is establish (life is absolute). The thought of what a living-organism is must necessarily include the phrase "as it bes wherever it is establish within the full physical universe" if that thought is to be an accurate designation of “that which possess life.” However: If this living-organism have evolved into a biological-being in the sense of what we name works and animate beings here on Earth then we must additionally stipulate that we are referencing a living-organism arsenic being only those possessing life’s electro-chemical processes “here on earth.” For this is the extent of our current cognition of what biological-beings are.

Visit any graveyard. Every individual buried there did previously possess the energy procedures described by life or they would not be there. Death (the loss of life’s energy processes) cannot be discussed absent the life procedures it references. However the definition of life depicts a naturally occurring eternally existing electro-chemical phenomenon of the physical universe. Meaning that life have always existed in the existence and will always go on to exist; it is not only possible to talk of life apart from decease it is proper to make so.

Now detect this very of import fact: All biological-beings eventually die. What then makes the conception of “proper” mean value relation to this fact? Since it is a fact that every living-being here on Earth will eventually decease makes this say that biological beingnesses are not (cannot be considered to be) a “proper host” for life? Absolutely not! Why not? It is because of the rule of “proper action.” What makes the rule of “proper action” say? Proper action is any action that results in preserving the electro-chemical processes described by life. Every living-organism of the existence (which includes human beings) bes still by result of the rule of “proper action.”

In each case where a specific type of growing and expanding electro-chemical process exists; these energy procedures are defined as the life procedures of a living-organism. Living chemical-organisms are able to go on to be simply because they possess some type of a naturally functioning electro-magnetic gravitative system which makes pull the energy resources required for the continued endurance of their life’s electro-chemical energy processes. Living biological-organisms go on to be because they possess a natural resource sensing system.

The rules of “Proper Action” are defined as those actions which result in the continued ageless endurance of life’s energy processes. And this Pbs to the designation of the “laws of nature.” The rules defined as “The Pentateuch of Nature” are determined by the physical features of life’s host. Again: The energy resources required for a living-organisms energy procedures find which actions are "proper" for their gain; and the features of its physical nature finds if those actions are "natural" to it. Proper actions will go on to be defined by life’s demands as long as substance and its energy go on to move in conformity to their identity; and they always will. This states that the Pentateuch determining a thing’s natural endurance Acts are discovered by observing that thing as it bes naturally (and in the lawsuit of humans; rationality) in the universe. Each living-organism’s physical personal identity (and again in the lawsuit of humans; their rationality) find the Pentateuch of nature government the continued ageless being of the life it possesses.

In each case where life’s procedures are occurring within a biological-being this necessitates the designation of “additional” Pentateuch of Nature if those life procedures are to go on operation for the residual of eternity. This agency that since biological-hosts make eventually decease they must successfully execute some type of life preserving mathematical function prior to their decease or; upon their death, their life’s energy procedures will vanish; forever. Upon their decease the chemical by-products previously produced by their life’s electro-chemical procedures will stay but the life processes which produced them will halt functioning. Therefore it can properly be said that the continued being of life biological-organisms makes not depend on the continued being of the life procedures they possess: Contrarily; the continued ageless being of life’s energy procedures which they possess depend upon their “proper actions” for its continued functioning. Therefore the reincarnation of their life by some type of reproduction is an further needed “law of nature” existing naturally within all biological-beings on this Earth and wherever else biological-beings may happen in the full “living” universe.

The life procedures of a biological-organism tin be saved only when that life being successfully makes another or an further biological-organism directly from the life stuffs of its ain body. This is the derivation of the word offspring. Living beings spring-off (or produce) further life beings from their physical life existence. Person progeny are a direct result of the rule of “proper action” arsenic it is applied to the demands for the continued being of the life possessed by human beings. Person beingnesses result naturally from the joining together of a human egg and a human sperm. Sperm and eggs are composed of the substance and energy of the life being from which they originate; they widen that beingnesses living being into the future. Thus the merchandise resulting from the “off springing” (i.e., the recreation; or the reincarnation) of their life by human beingnesses is responsible for determining the proper definition of the words: purpose, meaning and value by demonstrating that a uninterrupted life human relationship bes between human beingnesses and the naturally occurring eternally existing electro-chemical relationships of the existence which are identified by the word - life.


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