Toronto night life

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Your Daily Numerology Mood Organizer

Every day offers you a new vibration for your work or play.
If you follow your biorhythms, you have a sense of how your
energy is flowing for a particular day.

Numerology offers you an alternate means for knowing your
mood for a particular day.

If you know your Soul Desire Number you can play this game.

This energy expression comes from your deepest inner self.
It filters through your emotional feelings as it moves, or
attempts to move into expression.


Combine your Soul Desire number with the current calendar
If today is December 1, 2005, the energy pattern for the day
is calculated thusly: 12/01/2005 = 3+1+7 = 11 = 2.
So this is a #2 day.

Combine that number with your Soul Desire number, and you
have your daily numerology mood number.

Each letter in the name you currently go by has a
corresponding number. You Soul Desire numbers come
from the vowels in your name. Add all the vowel numbers in
you name. Reduce that to a single digit.

A J S = 1

B K T = 2

C L U = 3

D M V = 4

E N W = 5

F O X = 6

G P Y = 7

H Q Z = 8

I R = 9

My Soul Desire number is #3:
Vitae Bergman >i,a,e,e,a >9,1,5,5,1>21>3


Now I combine my #3 with a particular day.
I'll use December 31, 2005.
To arrive at the daily number, I add all the numbers of the
date in question: 12/31/2005 and reduce the sum to a single

Thus: 12+31+2005>2048>14>5
December 31, 2005, then is a #5 day
So, adding my Soul Desire Number, #3 with the date number,
#5 yields the #8 energy expression, which has to do with
aspects of leadership. This is my mood number.


This is my day to take charge of my life situation and
myself. This is not a day for me to sit back and let things
slide any way they choose. On this day, I can feel confident
that my energies are up to the task of organizing myself and
even influencing others, whether that be at work or at home
in the public arena. My persuasive powers are high. And since
my Soul Desire number is #3, which pertains to creative
expression, I can let myself use this inner desire quite
effectively on such a propitious day.


If this is a #1 day for you, your best bet is to focus on
yourself and what is important in your life. This is not a
day in which you can be highly available for others and
their needs. No use in trying. Your mood is going inward.
It wants to nourish that Soul Desire quality of yours. Do
something for yourself that serves to fulfill your Soul's
Desire, or just simply spend some time in contemplation -
feel what inspirations come to you regarding your Soul's

If this is a #2 day for you, your mood for the day leans
towards cultivating harmonious space - within and well as
without. If there is strife in your environment, then you
are eager to promote peace. Your need today is to have
balance in your life and among those for whom you care.
Even strangers will benefit from this mood of yours.
This is not a day you are willing to try on new things. If
you are a student you are better off reviewing old material
rather than learning new material. Same goes for your work.
Consolidate old projects; leave new projects for tomorrow.

If this is a #3 day for you, then your creative juices are
flowing. Now you are ready to tackle anything new. Listen to
your inner promptings for inspiration about those creative
projects that have bubbled up into your recent nightly
dreams. This is a time to let that energy flow out into
expression. If you are engaged in business, this is the day
to finalize negotiations. Your flexible mind is at its best.
In any interaction with others you will do well. This is a
good time to initiate agreements.

If this is a #4 day for you, your energy wants to go into
stabilizing, consolidating, solidifying your world, your
situation, your inner landscape. Not a day for emotional
upheaval, rather a time for calm assessments. Your energy
works best working on your foundations. Those around you
will tend to look for support, you seem so strong and
capable. And you are. You are the rock today.

If this is a #5 day for you, you are eager to be fully
active in your work or play. Your energy is high. It's your
action day. All that calm assessment of the day before has
set the stage for this very active day. Your mood is "Let's
get things done!" The world will wonder at your boundless
energy. This is a day when you can see your soul's desire
getting full expression. Even if you are no fully aware of
what that hidden desire actually might be, it seems to come
out effortlessly. A good day to pay attention to what and
how you are expressing, offering you clues about this desire
issue. If you have had a numerology chart made for you, you
would have your finger on the pulse.

If this is a #6 day for you, your mood leans toward
compassionate expressions. You notice a higher degree of
sensitivity toward others and their moods. Your inner heart
feels a sweet tenderness during this day. You may be given
to reminiscing of times when love and romance were the
center of your life. You will be open to expressing good
feeling to others more readily. If you are typically
competitive, your willingness to let the other fellow win or
have his way is more in evidence. Everything about you has
softened today. Kindliness is your mood.

If this is a #7 day for you, your inclination leans toward
scholarly activities. Your thinking mind is in high gear.
This is a good day to learn new things, to develop new
schemes in your work. Your intellect wants to soar.
Curiosity and optimism is the hallmark of your energy today.
If you are spiritually inclined, your metaphysical studies
today will bear remarkable fruit. You mind is open to new

If this is a #8 day for you, your energy levels are such
that you can lead yourself into new areas of discovery. This
is your day to lead a brainstorming session with your
colleagues. You can see clearly what needs to be done in
your world and you have the power of suggestion working for
you as you encourage your team to move forward. All this
leadership energy, of course, is in the service of your
heart's desire.


If this is a #9 day for you, all your effort of the past
eight days are paying off. You've used your energy wisely,
following your daily moods instead of attempting to do and
be in ways out of sync with the flow of your essence.
Consequently, you feel the glow of the #9 energy coming
forth form deep within. A benevolent feeling for your fellow
man pours forth. This is the kind of day when you are most
appreciative of your life and your accomplishments and you
are full of gratitude for the life force Source has provided
with unconditional love.


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