Toronto night life

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Ed's Poem

Ed Gallagher Dec. 11, 1907 - Sept. 5, 2004

This verse form was written for Erectile Dysfunction Gallagher, a good friend and neighbor on the twenty-four hours his married woman called me to allow me cognize that he was in the infirmary and wasn't expected to live. I was asked by the household to read this at the assemblage after the funeral service and transcripts were given to all his household members.

It is of import to acknowledge that we volition lose our loved ones, despite the fact that they have got lived to a good age, and especially when they decease young.

People will say
That you lived a good life
You had many old age
With your children and your wife.

You lived a good life
Yes, it is true
But that doesn't intend
We won't lose you.

The sound of your voice
The pace of your step,
These are things
We won't forget.

Your old age on the farm
Were not spent in vain
You raised quite a crew
Through your labor and strain.

Though your sight and your hearing
Had begun to dim
Your caput was as sharp
As a tack or a pin.

Your head was filled
With all sorts of facts
Sports, people, farming,
Living life to the max.

When I came to visit
You expected a hug
And a simple kiss
On your smiling mug.

The visible light in your eyes
When you talked with a friend,
Those are the memories
That will never end.

You will be missed
Of that there's no doubt
And we'll believe of you often
When we're come out of the closet and about.

Or when we are watching
A game on tv
And hear them announcing
He scores, or work stoppage three.

You lived a good life
Yes that is true. But that doesn't mean
We won't lose you!

copyright September 2004


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